Lei Somebody Today!

Ever Wanted To Lei Any Of Your Friends or Family?

Lei Somebody Today!

Now you can send your friends and family an e-lei! It's very simple, fun, and whoever you "lei" will get a kick out of it!

We know you've got friends you want to lei... now is your chance. Go ahead and give them a nice lei now!

Just enter your full name, your email address, and one or more of your friends' names and email addresses. Then, click "Lei 'em" and we'll do the rest.

This is sure to put a smile on your friends face!

Your First & Last Name:

We require your full name so that your friends know exactly who they are getting leied by.
Your Email Address:

Don't use a fake email address, or your friend won't get leied!!

First Names and Email Addresses of Those You Want To Lei:

First Name: Arrow Email Address:
First Name: Arrow Email Address:
First Name: Arrow Email Address:

Click here to add another name and email address »